In this tutorial we will learn how to make a project report. Let us first learn what is actually a project report; a project report in a broader sense is the complete report of the project from the beginning to the ending, covering all the objectives, project building phases, project functionalities, scope, cost, time etc. Here we are specifically talking about project report of the projects that are made in the final year or pre-final year of computer science/information technology engineering course.
Making a project report is not actually that difficult as it sounds, all you have to do is follow these guidelines and format for making the project report of your software or web application. The basic requirement of this is the knowledge of any popular and good word processing software like MS Word.
You need to have your project ready before you actually start creating the project report. It usually takes around a day or two to make the project report. So now let us start learning how to actually do it by following these guidelines:
Starting Page
The starting page consists of the following items:-
- Project name
- Your Name
- Your College/University name and address.
- Degree name
- College/University Logo
- Name of guide teachers
- Name of group members (if required).
You can find the format and arrangement of all of the above items in the sample project report provided for download with this tutorial. The starting page does not contain headers, footers and page numbers. Also print out this page in colored ink.
This page contains the project certificate which is to certify that you created the project (this certificate may not be of that much use to you in the future but still it should be included in the report). The certificate contains your name and optionally the names of your group members. It is signed by the head of department later at the time of submission.
Table of contents
As most of you may already know, table of contents contains all the topics of the report in a tabular format. The contents are displayed in the form of Serial Number, Topic Name and Page Number. You can either use serial numbers or bullets/sub-bullets to list the topics here. Also this page is added in the last after the completion of the report.
This page is used to acknowledge the help and support that you received from any person. Acknowledge each and every person personally here; give all your thanks in all the way you want.
This part contains the introduction of your project. Put a brief introduction of your project here and write about all the functionalities that are present in the project. Tell about the scope of your project, the advantages, and the benefits over the earlier system etc. Have around one to two pages of introduction about the project. Don’t put too many details here; introductory part should not be made very long.
Objectives of the project
Put the objectives of the project here. Either put your own in this part or just put the one provided in the sample report, they fit perfectly with most projects.
Feasibility Study
Feasibility study by definition is “A feasibility study is an evaluation of a proposal designed to determine the difficulty in carrying out a designated task”. There are different parts of feasibility study, they are:
- Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility is related to the hardware and software to perform the essential computing.
- Economic return Feasibility: The new system should be economically beneficial. For that the cost/benefit analysis is performed.
- Non-economic return feasibility: The system can be justified based n benefits in the monetary terms.
- Time Feasibility: the system should be implemented within the mentioned time constrains.
- Legal and Ethical Feasibility: The new system should exist within the legal and ethical boundaries.
Explain the above points in 3-4 lines, so as to cover all aspects of the feasibility study of the project. The objective at this stage is to provide solutions to stated problems usually in the form of a specification, it actually depends on you that how much you want to explain things here.
System Requirement Specification (SRS)
A one line definition of SRS is given as:
“SRS is a vital piece of documentation that is crucial to the success of any software development project.”
If one cannot precisely state what the system should do, how can we develop the software with any confidence, and how can we hope to check that the end product meets its need, and that is the purpose of SRS document. Professional and separate SRS documents are created in professional working environment of companies, but here we just need to give a basic idea. You can download the sample SRS template provided with this tutorial; just fill in the information in the sections that you feel are necessary for your project.