Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) in IEEE: How to Get Involved

Student branches are required to submit an application for the proposed project in order to receive funding support from EPICS in IEEE.
Projects that are within IEEE's fields of interest should address one or more areas of interest as described below:
  • Education: K-12 schools, museums, adult learning programs, after school programs
  • Access and abilities: adaptive services, clinics for children with disabilities, programs for adults with disabilities, assistive technology
  • Human services: homelessness prevention, affordable housing, family and children agencies, neighborhood revitalization, local government
  • Environment: environmental organizations, neighborhood associations, parks & recreation
The student branch will identify a non-profit organization that has a project that is important to undertake and has appropriate engineering-content for their students. In addition, the student branch will reach out to high school educators willing to allow their students to participate in the program and will mentor the high school students to complete the humanitarian projects.